About ITK

Institut Teknologi Kalimantan

Institut Teknologi Kalimantan is a higher education institution focused on technology to support the needs of the industrial world. Through various educational programs at ITK, it is expected to enhance the knowledge and skills of human resources, which will impact the improvement of technological mastery and capital productivity. Furthermore, the increase in capital productivity is expected to give rise to new industries, thereby increasing the number of industries in Kalimantan.



As a member of the Board of Professors of Legal Entity Public Universities, i propose that educators engage in data sharing in the form of knowledge exchange to standardize the quality of education across Indonesia. This initiative is one of the reasons behind my efforts to develop the Kalimantan Institute of Technology (ITK) into an independent and leading higher education institution.

Sambutan Rektor Institut Teknologi Kalimantan

As a member of the Board of Professors of Legal Entity Public Universities, i propose that educators engage in data sharing in the form of knowledge exchange to standardize the quality of education across Indonesia. This initiative is one of the reasons behind my efforts to develop the Kalimantan Institute of Technology (ITK) into an independent and leading higher education institution.

Adapun program yang menjadi rencana besar bagi ITK dibagi kedalam 4E dan 1I yaitu Internal Enhancement, Innovation Action, International Collaboration, Ibadah, dan Environmental Insight. Secara garis besar rencana pembangunan ITK adalah Excellent ITK Culture pada tahun 2023, Excellent Digital Environment pada tahun 2024, Excellent Management & Resource pada tahun 2025, Excellent International Environmental pada tahun 2026, dan Excellent Research & Innovation pada tahun 2027.

Saya melihat potensi besar yang ada di ITK mulai dari wilayah yang berada di tengah hutan dan menjadi ciri khas ITK sendiri serta ITK juga merupakan perguruan tinggi terdekat dari wilayah Ibukota Nusantara. Ini merupakan kesempatan emas bagi ITK untuk menjadi penghasil SDM yang bermanfaat dan membanggakan bukan hanya bagi Kalimantan tapi bagi Indonesia dan dunia. Untuk itu kami mohon dukungan dan Kerjasama semua stakeholder untuk ikut membangun ITK demi kemajuan Kalimantan, Indonesia, dan Dunia.

Specta, untuk sang pencipta dan bumi Etam

Rektor ITK Periode 2022-2026,
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Agus Rubiyanto, M.Eng.Sc.

Pimpinan ITK


Wakil Rektor Bidang Akademik

Prof. Erma Suryani S.T., M.T., Ph.D.



Prof. Dr.rer.nat. Agus Rubiyanto, M.Eng.Sc.


Wakil Rektor Bidang Non-Akademik

Ir. Khakim Ghozali, M.MT.



To become a leading university that actively participates in national development by empowering the potential of the Kalimantan region by 2025


  1. To conduct high-quality university tridharma (three pillars of higher education) to optimize the potential of the Kalimantan region
  2. To produce outstanding, high-quality, and virtuous graduates who can actively participate in national development; and
  3. To establish cooperation with stakeholders to empower the potential of the Kalimantan region.


The main duties, purpose, and organizational structure of the Kalimantan Institute of Technology are outlined in the Regulation of the Minister of Research, Technology, and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia Number 40 of 2015 concerning the Organization and Work Procedures of the Kalimantan Institute of Technology. The primary duty of the Kalimantan Institute of Technology is to conduct academic education and, if meeting the requirements, can also offer vocational education in various fields of science and technology, and may provide professional education.


  1. Conduct and develop higher education
  2. Conduct research for the development of science and technology
  3. Carry out community service
  4. Foster the academic community and its relationship with the environment
  5. Conduct administrative activities


To become a leading university that actively participates in national development by empowering the potential of the Kalimantan region by 2025


  1. To conduct high-quality university tridharma (three pillars of higher education) to optimize the potential of the Kalimantan region
  2. To produce outstanding, high-quality, and virtuous graduates who can actively participate in national development; and
  3. To establish cooperation with stakeholders to empower the potential of the Kalimantan region.


The main duties, purpose, and organizational structure of the Kalimantan Institute of Technology are outlined in the Regulation of the Minister of Research, Technology, and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia Number 40 of 2015 concerning the Organization and Work Procedures of the Kalimantan Institute of Technology. The primary duty of the Kalimantan Institute of Technology is to conduct academic education and, if meeting the requirements, can also offer vocational education in various fields of science and technology, and may provide professional education.


  1. Conduct and develop higher education
  2. Conduct research for the development of science and technology
  3. Carry out community service
  4. Foster the academic community and its relationship with the environment
  5. Conduct administrative activities


Find a major that sparks your interest at ITK



Jurusan Matematika dan Teknologi Informasi



Jurusan Sains, Teknologi Pangan, dan Kemaritiman



Jurusan Teknologi Industri dan Proses



Jurusan Teknik Sipil dan Perencanaan



Jurusan Ilmu Kebumian dan Lingkungan

Struktur Organisasi

Struktur Organisasi ITK


Unit Pelaksana Teknis

Unit Pelaksana Teknis ITK


Biro Umum dan Akademik

Biro Umum dan Akademik ITK

  • Tim_Kerja_Humas.webp

    Tim Kerja Hubungan Masyarakat

  • Tim_Kerja_Surat.webp

    Tim Kerja Persuratan dan Kearsipan

  • Tim_Kerja_Akademik.webp

    Tim Kerja Akademik dan Kemahasiswaan

  • Tim_Kerja_Pengadaan.webp

    Tim Kerja Umum dan Pengadaan

  • Tim_Kerja_ULT.webp

    Tim Kerja Unit Layanan Terpadu

  • Tim_Kerja_Keuangan.webp

    Tim Kerja Keuangan dan BMN

  • Tim_Kerja_Kepegawaian.webp

    Tim Kerja Kepegawaian



Jumlah Tenaga Kependidikan


Jumlah Dosen



Akreditasi ITK

ITK memperoleh Akreditasi B yang diberikan oleh Badan Akreditasi Nasional Perguruan Tinggi

Unduh Sertifikat


  • Logo_Accreditation_1.webp
  • Logo_Accreditation_2.webp
  • Logo_Accreditation_3.webp
  • Logo_Accreditation_4.webp
  • Logo_Accreditation_5.webp
  • Logo_Accreditation_6.webp

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Jl. Soekarno-Hatta Km. 15, Karang Joang, Balikpapan, Kalimantan Timur, 76127

Jam Layanan Senin-Jumat 07.30-15.30 WITA Istirahat 12.00-13.00 WITA

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